Thursday, April 16, 2015

Golfing Like a Rock Star

This week is sort of turning out to be celebrity week on the golf course. First I get randomly paired with the chef and bartender of a celebrity restaurant, then today I got paired with the dad of the drummer in a band whose album just made number one on the Billboard rock music chart today. Of course, I have never heard of this band since I am well over the age of 40, but I am sure my college-age nephew knows who they are. Also in my random foursome was a 70-something retired couple who had just picked up golf in their 60s. It was a relaxed round with upbeat strangers, though I only shot a 98. My handicap index is trending toward 20.1 and I am not exactly happy about it. This season, the allergies have kicked in with a vengeance, so I partly blame the constant distraction of an itchy throat and nasal congestion.

In other news, I have started applying to join a ladies league in earnest. I know I've mentioned joining a women's league before, but now I think I am going to jump in and do it. I sent feelers out to four different leagues, and so far the most appealing group seems to be a Tuesday 9-hole league at a nearby course. I really prefer an 18-hole league, but the one I want to join started their season in April so it may be too late. The Tuesday 9-hole league has a spring coffee kick-off meeting at the end of the month and starts their season in May. I'm going to attend the meeting and check out the membership first to see if I'll fit it. I spoke to the league VP on the phone, and she seemed friendly. She has an Irish accent and said she often walks the course, so if she's representative of the group, they could be my kind of gals. We shall see!

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