Wednesday, December 12, 2012

You Might Even Say It Glows

One thing about being of a certain age is that you get to see fashion trends come and go, and come around again. Take neon, for example. It was back in the ‘80s when neon colors like day-glo pink and fluorescent yellow were first deemed appropriate for use as apparel, as opposed to just highlighter pens. Now, thirty years later, neon is back. It probably came back last year. I am not quite sure, since I don’t really follow fashion. I just seemed to notice a lot of neon colors in stores as I walk around town these days.

Chalk it up to the power of suggestion, but lately I am finding this vibrant neon pink color appealing, so I bought a shirt in that color and wore it with a bright green vest out on the golf course the other day. Even though it’s winter already, the temps were supposed to peak in the 60s. Plus, I was golfing with my hubby and it felt like a date, so I wanted to look even more chipper than usual.

As I strolled up to the clubhouse with my hubby next to me, we heard a golf cart screech to a halt nearby. We turned to look, and the man in the cart leaned out and said, “Well, the good news is, if it snows, you’ll be able to find her!”

I looked down at my bright pink shirt and laughed. Yup, Rudolph the red-nosed reindeer ain’t got nothin’ on me.

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